dimecres, 22 d’abril del 2020


Good morning Tigres blancs!

New PE activities are coming! Take your time. You have 1 week to complete them.

Today, we PRESENT you L'equip petit (the little team).  
Seven years ago, these 1st graders were playing in a school football team. Margatània FC is a very special team. Students from 2 different schools in Vilanova i la Geltrú can join this team and enjoy playing football and learn sports values.

Here you can WATCH the 10 minutes documentary.

Wow! They are such great children athletes! Don't you think?

Why don't you CHECK these sports values drawings?

Now COMPARE these 2 documents, L'equip petit documentary and sports values drawings. Take your time! You can explain and show these documents to your family. Go for it!

FILL this Google form. It is the best way to collect your opinions about it.
Recordeu entrar al vostre compte @escolaelcim.net abans d'obrir l'enllaç de Google Forms. Si no ho feu així, no us deixarà.


I want to thank 5th graders for your workout videos. Thanks to all these videos you sent me, we have a very special customized Monopoly game!! Remember, it is our version of Monopoly game. Rules are similar but not exactly the same.

PLAY as many times as you like! Have fun!

WRITE a comment below answering: What Monopoly square did you enjoy the most?

Next Thursday 23rd from 9am to 10am, I will be online on Google Meet to all of you. 
  • I will try to solve any doubts you may have about PE activities. 
  • 5th A: You can connect freely from 9am to 9:25am.
  • 5th B: You can connect freely from 9:30am to 9:55am.
  • This meeting is NOT mandatory.
  • The meeting link will be available in a new post on this blog 5 minutes before the start.

I miss you a lot! See you soon!

29 comentaris:

  1. hi Adrià! i'm Bet and the link that you share with us (monopolygame) i can't go anywhere if I click that "enllaç". see you soon!;)

    1. Yes Bet!
      We had technical difficulties but we fixed them.

      Monopoly game is ready now.

  2. One thing, neither the monopoly game works nor the google opinions: says something about permission...

    1. Hello Unai,
      We had technical difficulties about Monopoly game but we fixed them.
      You should log your Escola El Cim google account before you fill the google form. Try it!
      Bye bye!

  3. Hi Adrià! How are you?
    See you tomorrow, bye, bye!

    1. See your tomorrow then! A google meet link will be posted 5 minutes before the meeting starts.

  4. Respostes
    1. Yes Pau!
      A google meet link will be posted 5 minutes before the meeting start.

      Bye bye!

  5. How are we going to meet? Same way as with Pilar?

    1. Same as PIlar. A google meet link will be posted 5 minutes before the meeting start.

  6. Good morning Adrià, i'm Moisés, the link of Monopoly it does not work. The documental of l'equip petit it's a littlebit sad but it's okay.
    See you tomorrow!!

    1. We fixed Monopoly game. You can play now.
      About L'equip petit documentary, they are fair play athletes. I love it!

  7. Hi Adrià jo crec que lo important és passar-ho bé i participar.

    Good Bye

    1. I agree with you. L'equip petit show us how to lose in a good way.

  8. Hello Adrià, I'm Aitor Ordoño
    Crec que és important àprendre i pasar-sho bé i jo crec que ens hem d'animar per molt que perdem o guanyem

    1. Of coure Aitor. Learn how to lose or win is key in sports.

  9. Hola Adrià, I'm Aitor Ordoño. I can see the documents because the atlethics see what the important is not winner is have fun and improve more

  10. Hello Adrià, How are you?
    He vist el vídeo que has penjat del petit equip, com tu dius són uns grans atletes perquè, encara que quasi mai fagin un gol, sempre creuen que algun dia ho aconseguiran i no s'henfaden si no fan gol al contrari estan contents, i respecten les normes del joc.
    Espero que estguis bè!

    1. Fair play is key to happiness in sports.

      Let's follow their steps.

  11. Hola Adrià, una cosa la trucada de demà serà amb les 2 classes juntes?

    Molts petons...

    1. Hello Aran! Demà la trobada pel Google Meet serà la primera mitja hora 5è A i la segona mitja hora 5è B.
      La idea d'aquesta trucada serà per resoldre dubtes. NO farem activitats.

      See you soon!

  12. Hi Adrià !!!!!!
    a mi les caselles que més m'han agradat al monopoly han sigut la Field Hockey y la de Paddle.

    1. Well done David! T'ha sortit la teva casella?

      Good job on the bridge workout.

  13. Hello Adrià, i'm Èlia.
    El video m'ha semblat molt maco, i he reflexionat en que nosaltres, que som més grans que ells potser ens enfadem perquè hem perdut en un joc però el important és saber guanyar i perdre i que t'ho passis bè.

    1. I agree with you, Èlia!
      L'important és poder compartir el joc amb altres i gaudir-ne. Mai enfadar-se per si es perd o es guanya o si l'altre ho fa millor o pitjor.

      Let's follow their steps.

  14. Hello,Adria soc el Martí, el monopoly m'ha semblat xulo i original perque sortiem alguns de nosaltres. El video m'ha ajudat a entendre millor que no ens em de rendir tan facilment i que si no ho aconsegueixes ara ho aconseguiras el dia de dema.

    1. Well done Martí! We prepared this game to you, to workout at home.
      About L'equip petit, they are lovely. I agree with you, constancy is key.
