dimecres, 15 d’abril del 2020


Good morning Tigres blancs,

Are you ready to workout and have fun?

It will be a very exciting week because all of you will help us create our own Monopoly board game.

Each of you will record yourself doing a few workout exercises. These vídeos will fill our Monopoly squares.  When our board game is set, you will be able to play and have fun with our own game.

Step 1: Choose 2 different exercises of the document below. Remember! We practiced these workout exercises last term. Some are easier, others are harder. You choose!

Step 2: Record yourself doing these 2 exercises, 20 seconds each exercise. Record them in the same video. We will edit them later.
- Ask anyone of your family to help you out. - 
- Try not to move your video recorder device. - 

Step 3: Send us your video to acamprubi@escolaelcim.net

In addition to your workout vídeos, we will show you a very funny fitness game. At the beginning of each activity, you will be asked to choose what you like the best. After that, there is 10 seconds countdown. When it finishes, you need to perform different workout exercises. 

Hey, choose your favorite video in the video list right column and have fun!

Would you rather fitness videos  

Don't forget to leave a comment and tell us what video you enjoyed the most.

Moreover, we can not forget to move our bodies dancing a little bit. We propose you some JustDance songs you will love.

Hey, a lot of things on the horizon. But don’t worry, we have plenty of time.

If you have any questions, write a comment below or send me an email to acamprubi@escolaelcim.net

Stay fit, stay healthy!

23 comentaris:

  1. Hola Adrià jo crec que el que més m'ha agradat es el de "animals" encara que no se si t'has adonat de que diu una paraulota.
    Isaac Barco

    1. Animals' song doesn't have any lyrics, does it?

    2. diu WHAT DOES THE FOX SAY😜😘

    3. Ep, la traducció literal seria: Què diu la guineu?
      Recorda, FOX en català és una guineu.

  2. IT'S so fun !!!!!!!!!!
    elque mes m'ha agradat ha sigut el de :dragostea dini tei

    1. Yes, it is! This is why we proposed these activities. Enjoy!

  3. hola soc Biel anter ma agradat molt fet egercicis de YouTube.Els altares me practican el 1 i 2 molt be ,practicaré el Divendres tambe bye,bye

    1. Great! Remember: escolliu 2 exercicis de workout i graveu-vos durant 20 segons. Així ens ajudareu a fer el Monopoly game.
      Go for it!

  4. Hello I'm Carla,

    My favorite video is "V4 roblox fitness", it is cool!!!!

    1. This video helps you stay fit and healthy. Congratulations!

  5. Hello Adria, my favorite song is animals, i have this game and i dance it much times, it's funny.BYE!!

    1. Awesome! You are a PRO then. What is your favorite song when you play at home?

  6. Good afternoon Adrià, i'm Moisés. I waited until the afternoon to do the exercises because I am more active. See you :-)!

    1. Good choice Moi! Do it whenever you like. Congratulations!

  7. Hello Adrià my favourite video is the second video. I play this just dance. Good Bye ��

    1. Dancing is a good activity, it helps you stay active and fit. Well done Eric!

  8. Hello, Adrià I'm Estel, how are you? Espero que estiguis bè.
    M'ha agradat molt, aixó que has proposat de fer un vídeo fent 2 exersisis,ITS SO FUN!!!
    Bye :)

    1. I am good, Estel! But I miss having fun at school. Els videos que m'enviis ens servirà per poder fer el nostre propi Monopoly game. Go for it!

  9. Hello Adrià, I'm sorry but I can't use my camera because I don't have permission.
    Anyway, I tell taht we are doing exercicie everyday with my mother and my brother at our garden.
    We practice all the exercices that you recomended to us.
    I dance all the three dance exercices videos, but my favourite video is the number three, we enjoy dancing with music and the exercices are very cool!
    Thanks a lot and regards!!

    1. Well done Ivet! It is nice to hear from you. Use your garden as a playground is an amazing idea. Keep having fun in family.
      Bye bye!

  10. Hi Adrià,i liked the one about animals.
    See you soon.

  11. i like 3 videos and my favourite i the number 1 it's a very funny .
