Good morning Tigres blancs,
Do you want to play and have fun with your family?
We have prepared a genially activity to make it happen.
We take the idea of the Jumanji game and each square has one challenge. You have the game instructions on the board.
Jumanji at home
The use of a translator is recommended. Google translate is fine.
Any questions about gameplay, write a comment and we will help you out.
At the end of the game, write a comment please:
- What challenges did you like the most?
- Did you enjoy playing Jumanji at home?
See you soon!
ResponEliminaBYE BYE.
Awesome! How was the body percussion challenge? If you didn't see this challenge, play the Jumanji at home game again.
EliminaI liked it when I made the challenges with some object and I think the game was cool
ResponEliminaGreat! We set this game to workout in a funny way. Play as much as you like.
Eliminathis game it so fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuun 😆😆😆😘😘😘
ResponEliminaYeeeeeeeeeeeeees! Workout and fun are compatible. Keep playing it as much as you like. Go for it!
EliminaI'm Carla😅😅
EliminaHi Adrià, m'ha agradat molt its very fuuun.
ResponEliminaYes it is! Keep playing as much as you like. Go for it!
EliminaHi Adrià I love this game and the film of this game is fantastic thanks.
ResponEliminaGreat. Jumanji at home game is very funny. I like the movie too. Robin Williams, the main character, did it really well.
Eliminahi Adrià, I'm Txell
ResponEliminaThe game is very funny, I liked
Thanks a lot. We have prepared this game to spend a good time together.
Eliminahi Adrià, I am Aitor.O i like this game but no understang this game
ResponEliminaSaps entrar al joc Aitor? Si cliques a l'enllaç, entraràs a aquest Genially que hem creat per vosaltres. Et demanarà que acceptis posar volum ja que hi ha música.
EliminaSeguidament veuràs una pantalla de presentació del joc on a cada personatge hi ha un vídeo extra relacionat que podràs veure.
Després si cliques a start, tindràs les normes del joc a la dreta. Intenta entendre les normes que estan escrites i si ho necessites, utilitza el google translate.
El joc es tracta de llançar el dau, moure la fitxa que tu hagis escollit a la casella que toqui i clicar al cercle negre corresponent. Tindràs una prova a fer. Si la superes et mantens a la casella, si no la superes, 2 espais enrere hauràs de moure't.
Cal dir que es un joc a fer amb la teva família. Si jugues sol, algunes activitats necessitaràs ajuda.
You can do it!