dimecres, 18 de març del 2020

DIMECRES 18 MARÇ - Physical Education

Good morning Tigres blancs,

Let’s move a little bit! We all miss run and play outside but don’t worry. Soon we can enjoy the fresh air together again. We propose 5 different challenges to be done during the next days.  Take your time, don’t hurry! 

Challenge 1:
Eat 5 fruits or vegetables a day.

Challenge 2:
Indoor workout. Do you remember in class we practice some workout exercises? Let’s strengthen your muscles. 1 minute each exercise: Burpees + wall sit + jumping jacks. 
Can you do it 3 times?

Challenge 3:
Basketball challenge. Find a Basket and anything you can use as a basketball (maybe recycled paper). Score 5 times in a row from 3 meters away.

Challenge 4:
Let’s dance! Use a computer or TV. Choose 2 different songs of Just Dance (Youtube) and copy dance moves.

Challenge 5:
Plastic cups challenge. Using a few plastic cups, make a pyramid and collect them back. Can you make a 4 level pyramid?

Write comments about your progress. 
- Do you pass any challenges? 
- Do you miss any challenges? 
- Explain to us what indoor sports activities have you done lately.

I hope you enjoyed playing these challenges. Stay fit and healthy!


10 comentaris:

  1. Hello Adria, I have already done the exersisis.
    Són molt guais!!:)


    1. That is great Estel! Move your body while staying at home. Stay fit.

  2. Hi Adrià. I'm Txell Comas from 5é A. I do and play the activities and challenges you propousa. Good bye Adrià.

    1. Well done Txell! Keep playing these challenges. You will have lot of fun. Go for it!

  3. Good afternoon Adrià!I'm Carla!!
    I tried challenge

    1. And how was it? Did you achieve any challenge? I tried all of them. I loved to dance this Marshmello chorepgraphy. Do you want to try it?

  4. Good afternoon Adrià! I'm Carla
    I tried the challenge number 2 and I did the exercise 2 carrying 2 milk briks!!!


  5. So funny! You can help your family with food storage. Well done!

  6. Thank you Adrià!!!
    I will try the coreography!!Sorry the first message was sent without being finished. 🤷‍♀️🤦‍♀️
